Time Flies

I can’t believe it’s been almost 9 years since I made this time lapse video. Sometimes photographs ruin my actual memory of events, but I have a crystal clear memory of the events of that long, successful day of going around Boston making the images that ended up in the final piece. It has over 9,000 views on Vimeo (which is pretty good considering it’s not a video of a cat doing karate) and was part of some travel festival in Italy (details are murky). I might need to make a sequel. Now taking location requests! Enjoy the day! - Josh

A time lapse of one day in Boston from various areas of the city. The total is just over 4,200 photographs in this time lapse. Photography, Film Edit, and Music by Josh Rubino. joshrubino.com

song of the moment: “A Hard Day’s Night” by The Beatles