Get Better

I created this image below just over a year ago at the very beginning of the pandemic. I was feeling hopeful at the prospect of sending positive vibes out into the atmosphere. I posted the image on Instagram and at the time I wrote: “These are obviously tough, scary times around the world, but I’m hoping something good will come out of it. The hope is that people will realize we’re on this journey through life together and there’s no room for hate or judgment. No one person is safer than the next in this crisis. No one is better than the next. Although physically we’re all practicing social distancing right now, there’s no reason the world can’t come together. We are one.”

For a moment, it felt like the world was coming together and as things went on, the division reared its ugly head again. I just happened to be thinking about this today with all of the senseless violence that has returned with reckless abandon. We must stay optimistic, but, admittedly, it can be hard to maintain that level of hope. Look out for each other, everyone and stay safe. Enjoy the day! - Josh

We are one.jpg

song of the moment: “Royal Empress” by Greg Laswell